If you switch your credit card processing to Pay it Forward Processing, you can incorporate charitable giving into your business without any extra work or cost. That’s because, we are already committed to giving all of our net profits to one of the many fine charities we have carefully vetted. It’s all part of our innovative, one-of-a-kind “Every Swipe Benefits Charity Program.” When your customer swipes, a small portion of the fee you would usually pay your merchant processor will instead go to charity. That means no extra money out of your pocket!
Your processing fees are the same, but now you can promote the fact that your customers are giving to charity every time they give to you! No other merchant processing company is doing this, because we are the only business in our industry committed to servant leadership. You know how warm and fuzzy it feels to donate to charity? Who would have thought you could get that same feeling by switching to a different merchant processor. Contact us today to learn how you can turn every customer swipe into a small charitable contribution. It all adds up, and your customers will love buying your products even more. Take a look at all the great charities our “Every Swipe Benefits Charity Program” supports.